Friday, November 09, 2007


Dawn chorus of birds, the sweetest melody
their songs echoing over valley and dale
daylight is breaking, shadows of the night flee
rays of the rising sun, ever so pale
Sun slowly rising, intensifying in its heat
morning mists in valley, slowly fading away
animals of the night beating a hasty retreat
emerging plants welcoming lifegiving sun's rays
There's a beauty in each dewdrop in its fall
its like a diamond, tumbling round and round
from Eucalypts and Wattles, Paperbarks so tall
sparkling on their journey towards the ground
Shafts of sunlight, dense canopy penetrating
eagles and hawks far above, soaring in the sky
myriad small insects in early light gyrating
whilst whispy white clouds, lazely drift by
Scent of varied bush flowers, ever so sweet
a vital role they play, in bush's regeneration
secreting table of smorgasbord, for animals to eat
in doing so, helping the process of pollination
Gently from chimneys of houses, in valley
place of peacefulness, picturesque, tranquility
smoke rising, undisturbed, spreading over plateau
now, this is a place to be, not a polluted city

Thursday, November 08, 2007


The deserts of Australia are a facsinating place
nights very cold, days hot, shimmering in a heat haze
little rainfall, sparse vegetation, few animals survive
in harsh environment, early explorers lost their live

Some birds have adopted special skills, numbers are few
surviving on little water, sucking plants of their morning dew
some fish and frogs hibernate in tunnels underground
eagerly awaiting next season's rainfall, if ever it comes at all

In the distance, a few camels, brumbies, lazely roam this land
nibbling at sparse vegetation, dry, half buried by hot sand
a lonely dingo prowls, of human beings it surely is not shy
solitairy falcon surveys his terrritory, desperately seeking prey

Hostile environment, no landmarks, very, very intimidating
and yet, full of life, hasn't changed for eons, deeply facsinating
many a season has passed, some notably with no rain at all
many seeds laying dormant, waiting for that rain to fall

The Simpson Desert, ancient sea, dry since Gondwanaland
as far as the eye can see, unrelenting expanse of hot sand
age-old inhabitants, interacting elements, cruel, unforgiving
mimicking, mocking ancient sea shore, old but yet still living


Smokey blue hills on horizon far away
wonderland of nature, grandiose in its display
from dry inland to where rainforests meet the sea
sun, rain, wind, each an entity, living in harmony

Cedars, eaucalypts, cut down long ago, large stumps
used in ships, houses, coal mines, new leaves in clumps
ribbon of silver, murmuring creek in steep valley below
gurgling over moss covered pebbles, not interupting flow

On steep mountainsides, all covered in coloured scree
supporting in small crevices, occasional stunted tree
against all the odds, it somehow manages to survive
a web of intermingled spidery roots giving it precious life

Myriad small insects dancing, age-old rituals, in subdued light
wild flowers, vibrant colours, eucalypts of great height
spiders, beetles, fungi, nests of birds, bush honey bees
brumbies, wild pigs, foxes, dingoes, kangaroo roaming free

Nature's way, micro-organisms at work, well below ground
making sure the bush's lifecycle keeps going round and round
each creature in it's own way contributing, not stopping toil
breaking down twigs, leaves, old logs, to enhance the soil

Waterfalls, ever changing sight, waterbirds and frogs,
wombats, lizards, snakes, sleeping in hollows, burnt out logs
to experience nature's wonders close at hand, time well spend
you'll really have to go there, a couple of days, pitch your tent