Monday, July 07, 2008


It was by mere chance discovering this jewel going down narrow bush track
never seeemed to end, anticipating vista awaiting, didn't want to turn back
discovering it, of which the locals, in their wisdom, they certainly didn't boast
a place to escape fast pace, humdrum of polluted city, yet so close, on coast

Beautifully eroded limestone cliffs, standing amongst clear water, lapping shore
undulating dunes, pristine beach, here and there a shipwreck, adding to decor
this is a place, although close to suburbia, one can relax, it always will be there
Pt Peron, at backdoor of city, waiting to be discovered, unparalelled anywhere

Whenever there, new discoveries are bound to be made, maybe in rockpool
or when meandering along myriad dune bush tracks, in summer shady and cool
one could encounter spectacle of Sea Eagles soaring high, in cloudless sky
maybe sit yourself down, let the beautifull landscape, for later, fill mind's eye

Going fishing off rocks, being careful where one steps, not catching any fish
didn't seem to matter, absorbed and surrounded by nature, what utter bliss
the impressive drama of changing colours of mirror images in water of rocks
one can almost tell the time of day, nature providing its own unique clocks

At night the enchantment of silvery moonlight, over limestone cliffs and bay
to be here forever, why leave, holding one spellbound, whether night or day
in winter would be even more dramatic, swell of huge waves battering reef
to weary sailors full of danger, shipwrecks, testimony of having come to grief

The sky, cliffs, beach all turning red, ocean looks like pool of blood at sunset
maybe at end of some bush track a similar jewel awaits to be discovered yet
in beautiful Australia, unbeknown to most, may be many more such places
depending on time of year, you too can experience it, a nature of many faces.

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