Wednesday, January 07, 2009


The night air is crisp, illuminated by a brilliant full moon
it's hard to go back to sleep, knowing dawn will break soon
heard thumpings in middle of night, reverberating in still air
huddled deeper into sleeping bag, wondering what went there

Dawn breaks, casting orange glow over sparsely wooded plain
as it gets lighter and hotter, it swallows setting moon again
the morning chorus of suberb songsters, like Sun- and Cat-bird
others, because of smaller numbers, dry habitat, seldom heard

Sheer walls of Gorge, in early light reveal eons of earth's history
before the Dreamtime, richly sculpted rockface, rise majestically
along walking track, deep water holes, shimmering crystal clear
flowering Wattles, Bottlebrush, shade, pause a moment here

Above gorge, lookout providing spectacular panoramic view
a landscape tortured thru the ages, awe inspiring, old, yet new
potholed creekbed, resembling dinosaur foot prints, imagination
small lizards sunning themselves, wild flowers, plenty of variation

Exploring, hiking, photographing, swimming, whatever is the case
time out to contemplate dramatic landscape, beauty of this place
words fail to describe its existence, it seems unlikely and yet
it ever so slowly evolved over time with every sunrise and sunset

Traveling in this amazing land, many more such places to be seen
some are easy to reach, others take a bit of effort if you're keen
now that the holidays are over and back to reality, daily grind
often daydreaming about magical Porcupine Gorge we did find

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