Thursday, June 09, 2011


they'd finally arrived after long journey at destination
Australia, land of vast distances, unique animal population
Aboriginal Dreamtime, koalas, kangaroos, many, many more
eagerly looking forward what each day would have in store

visiting opera house, blue mountains, places in between
there never seemed enough time for all that was to be seen
anticipating week-long trip, by plane, bus, to real outback
experience desert, ayers rock, olga's, of real time losing track

along the road bus stops, only shady, for miles, dappled spot
it's lonely out here, very, very quiet and o so dry and hot
the doors open, and out we step, camera's around our neck
clicking at anything, great nothingness, wild flowers along track

it's lunch time, so the picnic hampers are brought out
but, as soon as they are opened, there's a noise, very loud
a greatest mob of insects descends out of nowhere, fast
the aussie bushfly had arrived, with thousands in their cast

picnic tables, eskies, all were quickly covered by these pests
eating your sandwich, had to compete with uninvited guests
getting into hair, eyes, nose, bare arms and legs, everywhere
swallowing one or more, not nice, busdriver, get us outta here

these bushflies are as australian as damper and famous billy tea
causing that "Aussie Salute", as practised by you and me
a real aussie experience, what a story back home we have to tell
it wasn't really a funny experience, this "Picnic from Hell"

1 comment:

Rimeriter said...

Yeah mate, -
the bloody bush flys
they sure give you hell,
the only respite is
down in a well.
(c).Rimeriter 9/7/11.