Saturday, August 04, 2007


Wind in the trees, a gentle breeze, birds that sing
animals of bush, slaking thirst at whispering stream
kookaburras laughing, butterflies, wild flowers at all
honey eaters, lorrikeets, whipbirds, waratahs so tall.

Eagles, kites, hawks on air currents far above ground
lyrebirds, bush turkeys, bowerbirds, scratching around
lizards, frogs, shinglebacks, snakes, occasional tree owl
in silence of the night you can hear dingos howl.

When night descends slowly, creating a whole new sensation
the bush seems to give birth to a whole new population
sugar gliders, wombats, possums, koalas feeding in gum trees
the daylight animals and predators no more, seeming to flee.

Up in the star studded sky, Southern Cross way up yonder
moon reflecting in billabong, night time full of wonder
tranquility all around, sounds of the bush close at hand
where else would you want to be but in Australia, magical land.

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