Friday, June 06, 2008


Australia, a country of boundless plains,distances fast
sparse vegetation, dry, wet, changeable, creative contrast
thousands of square miles, here and there lonely homestead
part of our country, few of us really know, called "The Outback"

Spirit of kinship, hospitality, binds these people of this land
holding together a social structure via 'phone or radio band
education for their children, help in sickness or distress
brought to them, first by radio, then Flying Doctor, great success

Go, be enveloped, marvel at the timelessness, the immensity
be part of it's mystique, beauty, harshness, great diversity
ever changing landscape, wildlife, magic to behold setting sun
millions of stars at night, dawn chorus of birds, new day has begun

See Aboriginal rockpaintings, hear dreamtime stories behind all
birdlife, running rivers in wet season, magnificient waterfalls
feral animals in large numbers, camels, cats, wild pigs, brumbies
sight of great anthills, tall palms, canyons, sandy deserts, boab trees

Sound of mournful didgediroo, drifting on still air of tropical night
splashes in billabong, crocodiles, some animals to the death fight
great variety of insects, chicada's, mosquito's, howls of wild dogs
whoosh of flapping wings, music of night birds, croaking of frogs

Traveling in "The Outback", of it's dangers, loneliness, be fully aware
listen to advice from those who have been there, so you can prepare
once you've been there, realising the gullible vastness of our land
we've got it all here, holidays anywhere else seemingly quite bland

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