Thursday, August 07, 2008

Portrait of a Lady, She has beatifully coloured eyes,
alluring and good looks, quick, as usual, on her feet
aware of admiring sly glances, she herself wasn't exactly
shy. Spitting image of her parents, no doubt plenty of
admirers wherever she went. Personality plus, sensing
when talked about, any occasion willing to attend. Riding
on a motorbike, style supurb, great, without helmet, wants
to feel wind on her face. Drawing attention like Queen of an
estate, always prim and proper, everything in it's place.
Living on a farm, helping with cattle, sheep, when nothing
to do pokes around in machinery shed. Never too lazy, no
shirking in earning her keep, keeping in good shape, golden
rule, early to bed. Very seldom took offence, hardly ever a
grizzle, her life certainly wasn't easy, sometimes a bit of a
hard slog. Didn't like being shouted at, but, turned at a whistle,
contrary to your thinking, she was a very well educated and
wel bred Sheepdog.

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