Monday, September 08, 2008


The road curved over old wooden bridge, revealing breath-taking view
this frequently happens, unexpected in your travels, nothing really new
there are so many places to choose from, hard to say which is the best
each it's own particulair charm, all very inviting to stay longer and rest

A place with many walking tracks is Croajingalong on south east coast
the variety of flora, fauna, incredible scenery, of which it proudly boast
inland as far as eye can see, dense shrub, wildernes, bushwalker's dream
among stretch of coast sand dunes, steep granite cliffs in sunshine gleam

In many inlets water like diluted black ink, fettucine kelp waving in swell
you can experience Australian fur seals here, sheltered, doing very well
be prepared for deafening noise, the stench of rotting fish, it fills the air
maybe so as not to spoil your precious holidays, don't linger too long there

A very diverse environment, steep gullies, coloured lichen, moss, waterfall
on sides of heaped scree, water gums clinging precariously, spindly, very tall
many varieties of orchids, endangered wildlife such as the Ground Parrott
stand still, pause a moment, maybe a Gippsland Water Dragon you'll spot

As darkness falls, one can indulge in spotlighting for wildlife in tree canopy
possums, sugar gliders, koala, small tree kangaroo, almost extinct, you see
it is not hard to spot Crimson Rosellas, Black-faced Shags, maybe Bower Bird
wake up in the mornings to chorus of diverse birds, the best you've ever heard

Calls of Lyre Birds, Gang-Gang Cockatoos drifting on breeze, kites on thermals
experienced only minute detail from all that's to see, senses did enthrall
all this needs more than a lifetime to see it, much, much longer to understand
sadly time came to say farewell, goodbye, leaving behind Nature's Wonderland

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